Aastha Ayurvedic Clinic

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Liver Disorder

Liver Disorder

Liver Disorder


Liver is are the largest gland in the body. Our overall blood flows and gets purified through it.

Diseases of  liver  cause loss of appetite, paleness, jaundice, fatigue, reduced immunity and indigestion.  A lot of Liver Diseases like Hepatitis, Enlarged liver, Fatty Liver , Jaundice, Shrinkage(Cirrhosis) etc . are very well managed with excellent Herbal Liver Care Products.


We are offering Ayurveda Consultation, Tailor made Diet recommendations and Safe & Effective Ayurveda remedies  for managing these Health issues. Plz write to us for more details at asthaayurveda@gmail.com or visit our clinic.


 If you have any symptoms or disorder like this then we are the perfect place for Liver Disorder Ayurvedic Treatment who can prescribe the perfect remedies that can't leave any adverse effects. We have the effective solution and can also provide the best Liver Disorder Treatment in Delhi, India.